Take each relationship one.step.at.a.time.


My dear soulmate, I know the thought of dating again is scary, because we know what heartbreak feels like now. I may never date again if I were to get heartbroken after being engaged, I may not be able to endure the pain you felt and most importantly I may never recover from the pain when the person I thought I could trust forever, walks away. I know that our heart is capable of breaking but I never know whether I’m capable of trusting again and/or if I want to endure the risk of having the pain all over again. But what I want to tell you, my soulmate, is, I admire your courage to date again even when your heart is still numb from feelings.

I’ve been there, contemplating if history might repeat again? Even though we’d like to say that we’re not starting from scratch, we’re starting from experience, but there’s still a little insecurity living inside us whispering that we might end up with our heart shattered into a million pieces. There’s a demon living inside our head dwelling on all of the little things that are wrong with us, instead of focusing on all the things that are beautiful about us.

Little did we know that, blocking ourselves from hurt also meant blocking ourselves to love and happiness. Whether we agree to a relationship or remain single, we’re eventually going to care about someone. We’re eventually going to get attached. Therefore, instead of letting the past scare or numb us, it should excite us. I understand the daunting process of going through those awkward first dates or first kiss, all over again. But maybe that’s the fun part in life! To take each relationship one.step.at.a.time. And we just have to hope that the person we end up with next might be the perfect fit, that we might be closer to our happily ever after than we think.