An Open Letter to My Future Husband

Even though I’m only 22, I’m constantly bewildered by strangers politely inquiring if I have a husband or children or if I have a serious boyfriend. Even to my Primary school friends whom I have known them back recently. I’m not questioning the importance of having relationships; I’m just trying to figure out why people put so much focus on a woman’s relationship status. Since I was reading on one girl’s blog, she has written an open letter to her future daughter, I would also like to try what it is like to write an open letter. Here you go…

An Open Letter to My Future Husband

Hello, my future husband.

If you happen to be reading this, it means that I finally took the effort to wake up because reality is finally better than my dreams. The reason I am writing this today is because I can’t stop thinking about you, and as long as I could remember, you have been in my fantasy every night or when I am alone; not with an exact look though, just shadow or half body figure. I can’t stop myself from imagining how happy we will be, even though I don’t know you exactly yet. I wander how you’re living your life now, it matters to me, you know, because how you live your life now determines the kind of man you’re becoming. The kind of man I’ll spend with for the rest of my life.

I may not yet know all of the difficulties that come with a lifetime commitment, but I might have enough relationship experience or knowledge(?) to know what I want and how I picture my life with the person I will stay the rest of my life with: you. Those around me are a continuous source of education and inspiration on how I want our relationship to be, so let this letter be a promise to you that I will do my best to be the lady I want to be for you.

You might be out there looking for me. I am sorry if you are having a hard time finding me. Don’t get me wrong, I am trying my best to make it easier for you to find me. Heck, my socially awkward, introverted self is trying my best to find you, too. I know both of us need to exert more effort if we want to find each other soon, but being the socially awkward introvert that I am, I am most likely doing things that are counterproductive to meeting you.

Not that I am unaware that my efforts are ineffective, but I just find that “putting myself out there” is a very scary idea. People tell me I should do it, and I know I should do it. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. It’s like forcing me to get out of bed every morning, or giving away the last piece of my favorite cracker. It is something that I dread doing. I have been constantly having a battle within myself each day. Even though, I have yet to know who you really are, I will still meet you by my journal every night. And NO, even if my journal are mostly about you, you are not allowed to read them, not because I want to keep secrets in between us, but as human being we should always look forward, the journal was to help me live through the tough time during that period of my life.

I look forward to spend a lifetime with you; it means that despite my weirdness way of living and/or introverted way of living, you appreciated me. Despite me being “difficult” to read, you get me, and in spite of the wall I put up, you were able to get through me. Therefore, I sincerely hope that we will always look at each other with the same adoration as we did the moment we realized we fell in love. I promised to try to ignite the same sparkle in your eyes I see when you’re surprised, inspired, motivated or when you are about to lean in to kiss me.

I hope you will live till 80 years old or older because you will promise to hold my hand till the end of the world when we walk down the aisle (?) or whatever witnesses were made in order for us to take that very next milestone of our lives. I hope we could still kiss with the same passion we had the first time. When we kiss, I want it to slow down time – just you and I engulfed in our feelings. I hope you will strive to be the role model of our children. I want both the kids and me to see you as a source of motivation.

Most importantly, I hope you are willing to share with me all the moments of joy and/or darkness. Even in grief and darkness, I promise to show you the different shades of the dark, and to help you find the tiny rays of light that are always there if you seek them. I hope you take the effort to help me too, when I couldn't find my way to the light. After all, there’s always worse than worst and better than best; everything is relative.

Last but not least, thank you for waiting, for being patient. I promise you won’t regret if I will be the one you willingly get to marry in the near future. I hope you feel the same way too.


Your Future Wife
originally written on June 2, 2014