There are countless happiness articles centered on the web that says “Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day!”, while basically this quote started going viral when Steve Job pass away, but then lately, I realized it’s all wrong because YOU WILL NEVER FIND A JOB YOU LOVE.
Let’s be honest, being a boss isn’t a job. Having a job is at lower physiological / safety level while being a boss really hovers at the esteem / self-actualization level. They’re entirely different. Furthermore, there will always be reasons for employees to be unhappy. High earners complain about the lack of life while those with decent work-life balance complain about the lack of situation and career progression.
Our lives are full of ups and downs, seasons of happiness, and instances of disappointments, and how we are able to learn from each instance to enhance our future. Instead of always thinking of the best way to make a happy ending, maybe you should start thinking about the best way to be the best you on a day to day basis, from there the rest of the story will write itself!
Maybe it’s not about the happy ending, maybe it’s about the story. Just because a situation in your life didn't end in the matter in which you may have wanted it to, doesn't necessarily mean that the experience that you gained is useless.