Today I let go.

Today I let go. 

I let go of the possibly that we'd ever get it right. I let go of reaching for my phone in the morning and hoping you'd be that text. I let go of wanting you more than you wanted me. And without much hesitant you were added into my restricted list across the social media. Today I let go, in a way like we never existed. 

Today I let go because I think I knew the whole time what we'd never be and what I let go of was playing with the possibly of it in my mind. Today I let go of every hope, every spoken word, every future dates we made, I let go of it all. Because I know better that it didn't end last night. It ended a while ago and I wasn't ready to accept it. 

So today I'm letting go of all the pain you caused. Of all the confusion you left me with. Of all those night I couldn't remember drowning myself in a past I wanted to forget. I'm letting go of jealousy, I'm letting go of envy, I'm letting go of blaming myself and thinking it was my fault for how it ended. Today I'm letting go. 

Today I admit I still fell for you and I might always. But today I'm letting go because I deserve something so much more than this.
Today I let go knowing well there will be moments that I want to turn around.
Today I know it hurts. But it is tomorrow I look forward to. It's the day after that and the day after that.

It's the day we cross paths and it won't hurt to see you with her. Today my life begins again because you taught me how to feel but more than that you taught what it's like to not be loved equally in return. So today, I let go of what I don't deserve.