Maybe Love is just a Foreign Word

Sometimes the world gets so lonely and you start thinking about all the times the heart breaks and all the times I will sit and wander why things just doesn’t work the way I feel. Sometimes it feels like love is a foreign word – a foreign concept I hear people talking about but I never really understood. Most of the time, I tend to feel like love isn’t in the cards for me and while that’s something I’ll never know for sure, but I can still make the best out of this journey.

Maybe this journey of mine will never be about love, maybe it’s just about the purpose. Maybe it’s about finding my passion and following it, or maybe is about moving to a new city and finding another side of life that excites me. Maybe it’s about finding a new hobby, a new talent or new idea. Maybe it’s about travelling and roaming the world until a meaning is found or figuring out exactly what I’m born to do.

Maybe it’s not about intimacy, maybe it’s about inspiration. Maybe it’s about meeting a bunch of people who inspires life, to be better, to learn something or maybe they will enlighten their wisdom with their stories and the moments that changed their lives. Maybe it’s about doing things solo so the thoughts in the head could be heard, so the decisions are not influenced by anyone else or maybe it’s about inspiring myself, my strength, my abilities, my battles, my stories. Maybe this journey now is about changing my own life.

Maybe it’s not about attachment, maybe it’s about letting go. Maybe it’s not about finding someone to love but learning to let go and open up again. Maybe it’s about redefining love and what it means to the heart or maybe it’s about letting go of all the remains of the heartbroken stories. Maybe the journey for now is about forgetting. Maybe the journey is not about finding love, maybe it’s about learning how to love, maybe it’s about rebuilding life or maybe it’s about walking away. Walking away from it all, from what I used to know, from who I used to be and going in another direction where better things await – things that make me wonder why I were so worried about falling out of love where I was already found.