Broken Trust

I used to believe everything people told me; especially about themselves. I used to believe my intuition, my judgment, my gut and I used to see the best in people. I still do. The difference is now, I’m always wrong. I always regret my decisions now. Now it’s hard for me to give my heart away to anyone because I’ve met people who said they are going to stay, people who said they cared, people who could changed their minds just overnight. They disappeared overnight, they move on with someone else overnight and it left me a little unsettled. A little less hopeful. A little less optimistic and a lot more guarded.

Now it’s even harder for me to open up on my deepest thoughts because I heard they start spreading around everyone. Now it’s hard for me to be hopeful because people make me cynical. I still don’t understand how someone can go from texting you every day to not texting you at all and not explaining why. I still don’t understand how someone can decide to drop you without giving you a valid reason. I still don’t understand how people lie to your face assuming you will never find out the truth.

Yet, I still trust, I still believe, I still hope because I haven’t met everyone. I haven’t met the right one. I haven’t been surrounded by people who I naturally blend in with. I’m always trying too hard. I’m always trying to fit in. I’m always making excuses just to hold on because I hate losing people. But now I’m learning that maybe it’s better to lose people and make room for better ones. I’m learning to fill the empty spaces with people who don’t make me regret being who I am or share my personal stories. I’m learning to fill the empty spaces with people who teach me how to trust again and how to love without holding back.

It’s not that I don’t trust people, I’ve just been trusting the wrong ones.
It’s not that I stopped believing people, I’m just learning to pick people who tell the truth instead of the ones who constantly lie.