Fairytales doesn’t happen in reality, and reality doesn’t have Fairytales.

I am starting to think I will never learn to believe again. I wouldn’t have the courage to believe in my heart, in true love, in my own greatness because everything in me is so broken that even after how many seasons has fade, how many years has passed, I still feel the same about you nonetheless.

Even if the day come when the right person finally come along, I will not be able to feel. I will not be able to let someone in anymore, I will hold on to my broken pieces to remind myself how wounded I got from falling and even if I smile when I’m with you, I am just masking my feeling away. We were taught that feelings will fade away and we will learn to love again; but after all the people that came along, my broken pieces remained broken. 

There isn’t going to be a “one day”; because I’ll keep running, I’ll keep hiding and I’ll not be able to settle down. Fairytales doesn’t happen in reality, and reality doesn’t have Fairytales. You were already the best thing that ever happened to me but all my life I will wonder why. I will wonder what they did to deserve someone like you. I will never understand why you left, why life thought you were wrong for me, why it never lasted longer than I could blink.

The search is over but happy ending was never around the corner.