I’ve not always been good at letting things go and I don’t usually speak about my heart because I didn’t want to look desperate. I’ve been so used to keeping things deep inside of me that I may have forgotten what it’s like to speak my heart. I’m just not wired that way anymore. Even though I may not speak, I knew exactly how and why it happened, most times, my six sense works faster than I could even feel; but I never had the courage to ask for the answers I had always knew.
Now that all the seasons had faded away, I learned that at the end of the day, whether I get a closure or not, it doesn’t really change the situation, the outcome or someone else’s feelings towards me. The truth is closure just shows that the person has enough class to communicate instead of haunting the situation but it doesn’t really change their mind or their heart. I learned that they made the decision long before actually taking it. They made the decision long before they even talked about it.
And that’s also when I realized that those who fail to give a closure are still looking for closure themselves. I learned that they’re confused themselves, they’re lost themselves, and they still want to date someone who fulfils their fantasy. That’s when I learned that even if I get my closure, it truly won’t make a difference because the person giving the closure I’m asking for is already lost. I finally learned that I don’t need a closure. I don’t need someone who isn’t strong enough to love me.
I don’t need someone who can’t even take the courage to tell me they’re walking away. I don’t need a closure; I just need to learn to close some doors without even looking back on it.