There’s an old saying that say, write bad things that are done to you in the sand, but write the good
things that happen to you on a piece of marble. This would be easier
to erase from our memory, however, most of us engraved the bad things that happen
to us in marble, and the good things on the sand.
In life, we have always walked around
with our mistakes, our disappointments and our hurts, which is why we are all
unable to live fully in the present. We do not learn from what we can from the
painful memories of the past and we held onto them light it didn’t harm us at
all. But we all know that holding on to
the past can hurt life in every sense and ruin the future.
I am trying, I have been trying, they say we all have the power to create how
you live your life! I was told so many times to give myself a chance to be
happy and to remember how far I’ve come, how strong I was to be able to
overcome it. But darkness has been living inside me for a long time, and I’m
still working my way to the light. I know I will get there somehow, and I just
need a little more good thing, a little more love, a little more light