GE14 - Witnessing History

I realized that even though I’ve spend my whole life here in Malaysia; I never had a picture with a flag or anything in it that represented Malaysia. That was because I’ve always feel that Malaysia never wanted me to have anything to begin with; and that my only existence in this place never felt welcome. Worse of all, throughout all these years of working it has made me feel stuck; it feels like I’m spinning in the same cycle. I’ve already made my decision earlier this year that Malaysia isn’t the place for me anymore.

But since the GE14, I’ve been rejoicing with Malaysians over the chance to Reborn. “Tomorrow, we wake up and start again”. Many people on the Social Media said that this week is better than any festive holiday, and it’s that one time the whole Malaysian stood up as one to fight for a better future. I never knew I would have a chance this lifetime to ever witness such a big change, to be part of history. Words couldn’t describe how happy I was when the election results was announced that change is finally here and I shed tears when T. Mahathir finally sworn in as Prime Minister.

It was a long battle! I felt that! And even though I don’t hold a blue IC, I fought this battle together with the rest of the Malaysians. I grew up in this country and I go through the suffering the previous government has done to this country. I was more heartbroken than leaving relationships when I made that decision to leave this place earlier this year. I could not take away the fact that Malaysia was part of me, part of growing up and part of my life and that I’ve to find another place to begin my life.

I witnessed how this country was destroyed and now we need to rebuild a culture where we no longer differs ourselves by the skin colours rather our strong will to finally implement the system, to make sure the rules are being followed and less of human emotions. We need to finally make that decision that we want a change! And that the change begin from us, from our education system, from our government office and the local authorities that we should not find the easy way out but what is best for the country. We voted for a change not only for ourselves but for our children and for generations to come. I hope we could finally accept the fact that there’s issue in our education system and made a change in it!

We already took the first step to vote despite of the obstacles we face on the way home just to make this change! And we should continue to hold our responsibilities as Malaysian to fight for a better, safer and fair country! 

This is my love to you; I love you Malaysia! And I really hope we're here for a better change.