in this moment, I’m sad

Happiness is a choice. So I often wonder: is sadness a choice too? Who wants to be sad? Happiness is something that most of us long for. Happiness is the positive emotion and state of mind that most of us want to live in. Sadness seems dark and gloomy and something we all want to distant from.

I try to be happy as much as I can. I have a lot to be grateful for and I try not to lose sight of it. But when it comes to the night when I shut the door, when the lights get dark and when everyone else is asleep; trying to keep that happiness is a struggle. Every night you just want to breakdown on the floor and I can’t keep that happiness anymore. Sadness is not my feeling or emotion of first-choice but I also think in many ways, sadness is an inevitable feeling.

I’ve never been really good at expressing sadness. I can express happiness, anger, frustration but sadness has always been a weakness of mine. It always seemed like something dark and dangerous that if I linger a little too long, it wouldn’t leave. Still, I have been sad because sadness is a part of life, but I never quite knew what to do with it. Most of the time, I would try to keep myself busy and ignore it so that it could pass by me. I wouldn’t want to think about it or feel it or get to know it. I just wanted it to pass and to choose happiness again.

I don’t talk about feelings, especially my feelings. The only time I could really express those feelings is when I write. When I write, I discover a part of me that I never thought words could describe. But in this moment, I may seems happy but just like onions when you open up layers and layers of me, you will start crying and wonder why you are sad but never really knowing the reason behind the sadness.