At the end of the day, we crave for the closest thing we’ll
ever get to feel in love, even if it isn’t real. We’re all guilty of this, one way
or another.
We all know it isn’t the way we settle for people that are
less than our standards, even if we know we can get better. It isn’t the way we
rush into relationships so fast that we barely even know. It isn’t the way we settle for a drunken
though. It isn’t the way we go for the wrong kinds of people, the emotionally unavailable
people. It isn’t the way we wear our hearts on our sleeves with every person in
our life but end up disappointed.
But it’s more of the other side of the story. It’s the way
we’re so afraid to be in a committed and serious relationship because we’re so
afraid of investing all the emotions in only to know that it isn’t going to
work out. It’s also in the way we push people away, especially the right ones
because we think we don’t deserve them. It’s also in the way we pretend not to
care and to shut off our emotions as a defence mechanism for giving too many
shit in this world.
Love gets complicated especially after a few heartbreaks,
we learn than love is more of a choice than a feeling. It’s having the courage
to choose to spend the rest of the live loving someone wholeheartedly. Heartbreak has taught us that love is not an
idea and it’s never just getting
butterflies in the stomach and feeling all happy. It isn’t being attracted to someone or having everything in common.
But we get so addicted to the feeling of love that when we
get the slightest idea of feeling it, we grab on to it which leads us to being
heartbroken each time.