In Another Universe

In another universe, I was the lucky one; I fell in love with the perfect person. In another universe, I never experienced what I experienced. This world never weathered the way I wanted; it never dug into the soul of mine. In another universe, I never need to associate with the fear of falling and it has always felt good enough. I always felt worthy.

In another universe, I didn’t have to question my feelings; there were no doubts, no worries, and no regrets. But I try not to think about that universe, I try not to compare, I try not to think about the potential that hangs within the air, I try not to think about that possibility because right now I am living in a universe where love is never enough. Right now, I am here – without my other universe teaching my heart that everything is going to be okay.

But I will keep hibernating until that someone is willing to walk out of my universe and pull me out of it too. I am still healing, I am still growing, I am still learning how to be thankful. But the only reason I get myself out of bed every morning is so that I could get over the day sooner and come back to you when the night falls.