Someday I will learn to open up

Someday I will learn to dance in the rain with someone with the drops of water acting against my heartbeat. Someday I will learn to lean against someone and gaze up at the stars looking up the night sky with the light from letting go of a sky lantern with our wish on it. Someday I will learn to open up my heart and let someone in and we will both hold each other’s hands through life forever.

Someday I will learn to create something so magical with someone that I’ll wonder how two imperfect beings could ever create something so genuinely perfect. Someday, I will learn to conquer the world, hand in hand, heart to heart, with someone so close to my heart.

But right now, today has conquered me. And I have to made it through another day of life’s imperfect moments. So today, I think about the other days that are perfect, that are yet to come.