I was waiting for a text throughout the weekend; you excitedly told me
you’re going to be in town next month, few days after we started texting, I
brush it off without thinking our conversation could still last a month later.
I knew you were here for your course, but didn’t
you even think of dropping a text to me?
I recall those moments when I got the notifications with your name on
it, a light smile came to my heart after a long, hard day always. I wasn’t
expecting much out of the conversation, I just plainly liked the way we
converse all-day! He is a crazy workaholic and when he talks about his career,
he’s passionate about the future and the way he could help people in so many
ways. He thinks he works smart all the
time, but the truth is, he work hard every single second but definitely not
working smart.
When the weekend of his arrival in town finally comes, I was having a hard day from work and I
longed to meet up with the person who has been making me smile randomly from
those crazy texts. But he snuck me behind his busy schedule, I convince
myself, I am just someone he uses to
occupy his time while he’s bored at work, nothing fancied. I wouldn’t deny
that I was upset, I was hoping for a change in mind or even a text.
The weekend went and go, he did not even said Goodbye after boarding
back on flight. And here we are back in different places, and I never hear from
you anymore. I guess after all we were just strangers that talked a-lot!