I hope you could hold on my hand a little longer

I’ve always known I am not a hopeless romantic, I’m terrified and I’ve built up walls because I am scared. I am often jealous of people who can wear their heart on the sleeve, that falling in love require no effort at all. I wonder if I can ever be that way. But each time I try to walk into a new relationship, my mind would calculate the ten thousand risk of being broken again, and that opening up to another person – that is not something I’ve really done in this lifetime.

I pride myself to being a very outgoing and social person who dares to try new things, one who dares to go adventures, who take challenges on new situations but when it comes to having someone close to my heart, I am always cautious, guarded. I’m scared that someone would walk out of the door the minute they saw someone who they think is better, and they would leave me in the middle of the story again. And, each time it comes to relationship, it just feel like I’m gambling with my emotions and I am someone who rather play conservatively.

Sometimes, it might feel like an uphill battle with me – initially – because it takes a lot of persistence and patience for me to take down the walls. You might feel like I’m pushing you away at times, but that’s not because I don’t like you, it just means that my depression is taking over my mind, and I need sometime to convince myself that not everyone that walks in my life is here to hurt me. If I ever make you feel like you’re imperfect, know that it isn’t, give me some time to open up again. I get lost in darkness all the time, and I hope you could hold my hand through this, even if I’m hard to hold onto.  
I want to love again, I just need to convince myself I’m worthy of someone in my life.