Falling In Between Conversations

I have a bad habit of falling in between conversations. I never fell for anyone over one particular thing; like his eyes, or his smiles or his laugh. I always fall beyond the physical look, I fall for the characteristics, the mindset, and most importantly, the way I liked myself when I am with someone.
And no matter how much I deny it, the words that we exchange sometimes keep a smile on my face and excitement in my heart. When I’m feeling lost or stuck, you would lie down for a little while and listen before you lift me up. I am not sure if my words ever made an impact in your lives, but the longer you keep the conversation rolling, the more I think about us, to think more in-depth and to convince myself to open my heart once more.

Yet, sometimes my depression would haunt me all over again that you might get tired of talking to me, that the topics we talk about lead us to nowhere. But you’ve the ability that no one else had, you are able to let me open up my past that I’ve not shared with anyone. I’ve always known that there is a Graveyard in my mouth, filled with words that'd died on my lips.

And I never knew how to put my concern into words, I can sometimes feel that you’ve had a bad day, but I always try to put them behind some sarcasm hoping that a good laugh might bring back the optimism you always had. I hope you find the little joy in sharing a good day too, that happiness are worth celebrating, no matter how big or small.

But what I really hope is that beside of the random conversation we had everyday, I hope we could talk about each other hopes, fears, dreams, worries, joys and passions. When inspiration hits, I hope we can talk so openly with each other. I hope that when life hits us hard on the face, we would be the only person we want to talk to.
I admit that I already fell in between those conversation, I just have to convince my heart to not withdraw from the story. And I secretly hope that you would not withdraw from the story. I hope our conversation will only get deeper from here.