I Like Them Unavailable


I like them unavailable – I guess that’s just me. Just recently me and a group of friends were call to help out for a marriage proposal, I smile and say, “it was our pleasure to witness this beautiful love story”. The way he protects her, held on her tells me more than I could explain with my eyes. Another friend interrupted the story, next time is your turn. I turn him off saying not in this lifetime.

I still need myself to be unavailable – not because it protects my heart, but so I stop hurting people with my broken pieces. I don’t know why I always end up in this situation, I tell myself that if I want to be in a relationship, I need to fully open up to someone. Am I just that much of a flirt? Or that much of a masochist? A beautiful mess is what my friend craps me about. Maybe that’s the right term; it kind of includes both, doesn’t it?

It’s hard to tell, some nights I just put up the walls and other nights I just enjoy spending time with you. A feeling I can’t decide on. I wish he could break my heart to see if I’d be turn on because I like them unavailable.