I never agree with last minute
plans. The spur of the moment plans I turn down are probably plans that I
would’ve been excited to join in if it was informed few days or weeks earlier.
I ain’t the kind of person that would drop everything to do impromptu plans. I
need time to prepare myself mentally and I am not good with spontaneous
adventures I don’t see coming, I need all the information upfront. I need to
know who is going to be there and why we are going there.
My mind cannot process surprises.
And one of the reason my previous relationship did not work out because he was
full of surprises. He thinks it’s romantic to plan a surprise date, but the
only surprises I am going to give him is feeling uncomfortable. I cannot fathom
my thought when I’m unprepared for whatever lies ahead.
But no, I don’t plan down to every single little detail in life, still I need to at least have a picture of where I’m heading to. I wouldn’t do anything without thinking it through beforehand, and I would have hit a million speed bumps.