Maybe In Another Lifetime I Would Be Brave

I never find the courage to try again, I never had the guts to open up my heart to let someone in again. I thought it was about the wrong person, little did I know I eventually just stopped feeling after all these years. If I were to get another chance in this lifetime to cross path once again, I will ask one more thing: bravery.

If I got the courage, I will be honest. I will not wear that smile in front of you when I am actually breaking apart. I will not say that I’m okay when all I want is to curse. I will share my problems instead of dealing with it all my myself. I will share with you my achievements. I will not have a graveyard on my lips so that I can tell you the things I don’t like about you so we can fix things.

If I got the courage, I will be contented. I will enjoy the simple things you give me and the simple gestures that you do. I will understand that human being has their differences and you are trying your best to make me happy. I will be able to enjoy the moments we’re together without calculating the risk of being left in the middle of the story.

If I got the courage, I will admire you. I will believe in your capabilities and encourage you to be the best version of yourself. I will trust you. I will be there when you are already reaping the fruits of your success. I will serve as an inspiration to you. I will be strong to take in another person in my life, to let myself be vulnerable and let you take care of me.

If I got the courage, we would be lying next to each other under the starry night. But I know I'll never find the courage to love again in this lifetime, and that's okay.