I realize that my memory loss has come to an extend that I can no longer joke about it. I can have a conversation with someone, and it was totally out of my mind the next day, I don’t even remember seeing the person, needless to say the conversation we had. I used to remember bits and pieces of what happened and overtime those memory might possibly gets crave in deeper into my mind. My siblings used to joke that I’m a laggard computer system that needs longer time for the data to get stored into the brain.
Sometimes my mum will roll her eyes over me for not remembering the task she asks me to complete. Most of the time, we just laugh out loud and move on. Memory loss has been a lifestyle I have live with since my teens, and never have I thought that it was a problem, nor do I think that it would get worse over the days, months, and years. I’m thirty, and I already have a preview on what Alzheimer is about.
Alzheimer is a confusing disease;
one minute you remember and the next minute it’s loss in the moment of time. I
always imagine my brain as a huge Safe Deposit Box that keeps different kind of
memory in different lockers, except that I can’t find the keys most of the
time. I imagine the moments that has shaped me to who I am today, but what
about the new ones? I sometimes think that it might be too overloaded that
the new ones are sealed up and throw out, but occasionally, you find small
storage space for it.
I don’t know if Alzheimer has hit me
at an early age, but I have to say memory loss is a pain. Is like being late
for a movie, you know you miss something but hoping it’s not an important