are days when putting up the mask requires no effort, yet there are times when
no matter how I hypnotize myself to be positive, to appreciate the little
things in life, I just want to throw everything into the air and take my
passport and leave. It’s feeling so much ache eating up inside of me that I
can feel the thunderstorm crowding inside my mind. I convince myself that it’s
normal to feel this way, I just need to find a safe place to let go of these
emotions so I can build myself back again.
there’s nothing scary about breaking apart and picking up myself from the
floor. Those problems are going to be a part of a lifelong journey, I just need
to learn to put down the stress that I’ve been stacking on top of my shoulder. I
reminded myself that I’ve made it through every single battle, and that I could
be wounded but also stronger in every way. That at some point, I have to stop
fighting the past and start fighting for the present.
I know I’d have to keep mustering up enough faith to believe in silver linings, that everything that happens is exactly for me. I just need to stop eating up myself when life is falling apart and let someone hold me. That I’d one day find back my tears, to let go of all the pain that I’ve stem down inside of me. But right now, I just need to wish that the mask would not fall anytime soon, and trust that everything will get better.