Healthy Relationships


I always thought being in a healthy relationship is going to be easier, yet it still challenges me. However, the challenges aren’t the same as I was in my previous relationship. Instead of the doubts, the exhaustion from sleepless nights, anxiety-ridden days, and not feeling good enough; I’ve been challenged to be vulnerable, to regulate my emotions and to show up, and to trust the process, to let him be in control of the situations.  

I have been challenged to trust my heart, to trust the process that it will lead me to happiness, that it will lead me to exactly where I want to be. I am challenged to believe that things come together for the better, that being in a relationship makes people happy, I just need to be strong and learn to enjoy the journey. It challenges me to communicate better, to be more honest with my feelings, and to trust not only him, but myself. It’s not always easy, but the growth, happiness and togetherness with him are worth every challenges.

I am constantly evolving, becoming the best version of myself, and learning to embrace the process, knowing that my soulmate loves, cherish and respect me in every way. Even though relationship challenges me in so many ways, but it has also brought me more peace and happiness than I never thought possible.