Wrinkle of Time

I spend the night being awake after drinking a shot of Ice Coffee, sitting by the window skipping every song that was on shuffle on the iPad trying to find that one song that fits in my current mood. I look up to the busy highways trying to remember the last time I was happy. It’s because of the coffee that kept me awake for the night to let my thoughts run wild again.

It always feel like I’m the one sinking, and it’s deeper each time someone ask about the life and I got to lie through those words saying “I’m alright”. And a little bit deeper when the night falls, where I have to bring in those thoughts of “I’m alright, I’m alright”. Yet sometimes I wish I never have to fall asleep because those memories will haunt you in your sleep like a nightmare, chasing you in circle. And I think to myself, being able to be awake is better than having nightmares.

I wake up, I’m alright, I’m alive, I go on about the day, I’m alright. I tell my friends, my co-workers that I’ll be back, but my plans only involve a one-way ticket that I wouldn’t want to return to. I take a deep breath; push back a tear coming out of nowhere. I thought the tears were all dried up. The truth is, I think about it a lot, disappearing, this is not to say that I want to end my life, but I want to leave this place, I want to get unstuck from a place I’ve been stuck in since forever. I want to get into another dimension like the Wrinkle of Time, just so I wouldn't be found. 

Maybe it’s just standing in front of the ocean, getting close enough to feel the water on feet. Maybe it’s appreciating its beauty without thinking about drowning in it. Maybe it’s the realization I exist. Within pain itself, there’s a tiny sliver of light in the darkness.